About Olivia

Olivia Huxley is a native Californian who earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and promptly did nothing with it. She likes to think it’s now coming in handy in her writing career.
She grew up thinking Author sounded like an amazing job but that she didn’t have the ability to spin her own stories. Instead, she worked in Marketing, Sales, and Human Resources until leaving the workforce to stay home with her young children.
Years later, after reading (and loving) hundreds of historical romance novels, the desire to tell the stories she was creating in her head was too overwhelming to ignore, as were the plot bunnies and scenes that began to pop into her brain, demanding to be written.
Now her dream of becoming an Author has come true. This is her first officially published story but will not be her last. She has far too many ideas to stop telling stories now that she’s finally started.
Olivia lives with her husband, two nearly grown children, and three cats in southern California.
You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.